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Check out some of our local authors!

Please notice: As of Spring 2025, we’re unable to accept any new submissions to our Local Author section at this time. We’ll open our submissions again very soon.

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Local Press

The University of Arkansas Press was founded in 1980 as the book publishing division of the University of Arkansas. We currently publish approximately twenty titles a year, with a strong focus on state history.

Tipsy Mockingbird Books offers writing, editing, and publishing services as well as social media management services. We are based out of Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Et Alia is a small press based in Little Rock, Arkansas, publishing award-winning nonfiction and children’s books of national interest with strong Arkansas ties. We have three areas of focus: Local HistoriesHealth and Wellness, and Emerging Artists.

Red Engine Press, and its imprint River Road Press, love connecting readers with good books and talented authors. As a small press, we publish in various genres with focus on biographies, historical fiction, mystery and thrillers, and children’s books.

Be Bookish

Bookish: An Indie Shop for Folks Who Read